Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Race, Racism, And Racial Disparities - 1551 Words
Race, Racism, and Racial Disparities in Police Brutality I. Introduction In recent years and in light of recent tragedies, police actions, specifically police brutality, has come into view of a large, public and rather critical eye. The power to take life rests in the final stage of the criminal justice system. However, the controversy lies where due process does not. While the use of deadly force is defined and limited by departmental policies, it remains an act guided chiefly by the judgment of individual officers in pressure situations. (Goldkamp 1976, 169). Many current studies have emphasized the racial disparities in minority deaths, primarily black Americans, killed by police through means of deadly force. The history of occurrences reveals the forlorn truth that police reforms only receive attention in wake of highly publicized episodes of police misconduct. The notorious 1992 Los Angeles riots brought the matter to mass public attention and prompted improved law enforcement policy. Significant local reforms resulted, for instance, ending the poli cy of lifetime terms for police chiefs. Additionally, on a broader platform, in 1994, Congress approved provisions to the Crime Control Act in effort to tackle police abuse in a more structured way. Unfortunately, today these account for mostly failed attempts. More than two decades later and with a growing number of incidents, the fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, hasShow MoreRelatedRacial Skepticism Is The Idea That Race, As A Biological1394 Words  | 6 PagesRacial skepticism is the idea that race, as a biological category, does not exist. 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The situations that will be discussed in this essay are Pseudospeciation, bigotry vs. racism, hegemony, social construction, and disparity vs. discrimination. There will be definition on these terms. After defining the all terms, I will apply these terms to the criminal justice system using examples to illustrate the understanding of the definitions. Pseudospeciation Pseudospeciation begins with the fact that cultural differencesRead MoreThe Issue Of Racial Discrimination985 Words  | 4 PagesStates criminal justice institution has always been known by the public to be corrupted by racism. The public hears time and time again of stories involving minorities being racially discriminated within the judicial system. There is a rainbow of issues that the United States judicial system has when it comes to racial discrimination. However, the most costly and the most disheartening of these issues is racial discrimination in the death sentencing process. The death penalty is a hot button topic in
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie Zootopia - 871 Words
After watching the movie Zootopia, it is evident that there is a sociological aspect to it as it contains a lot of stereotypes, social control, discrimination and prejudice. The movie illustrates many of the social challenges people face in society today, from how tiny bunny Judy Hopps is perceived as weak and useless, to the way her fox friend, Nick Wilde, is initially portrayed as devious and sly. However, this motion picture is not only about the problems often seen throughout the real world, but how it can be overcome. One of the first examples of prejudice depicted is how nobody believes that Judy is capable of being a police officer because she is considered prey. Even her own parents think she should stick to farming. However, Judy†¦show more content†¦The potential cause of this could be historical racism. In the past, Zootopia was filled with inequality as the predators had an upper hand and the prey was suppressed. Although, over time this has changed, the people are somewhat unconsciously racist towards each other. Even though Nick eventually proves himself to have a good heart, it doesn’t change the fact that there are other predators out there who are kind but have been limited in their endeavors similarly to Nick. There is prey also out there that might also not be given opportunities to accomplish their goals. Judy herself after all she’s been through fails to not give in to stereotypes surrounding predators. According to Henslin (2017), stereotypes are assumptions of what people are like. When Nick asks her if she believes he will also turn into a savage one day she goes on to say, â€Å"No, you’re not like the others!†This shows, that even when individuals of a specific population defy the stereotypes surrounding them, the general population still associates the group as a whole with whatever labels that have been previously associated with them. Except maybe now they have an exception, like Nick. This works in reverse as well as. How people behave towards oth ers can cause them to act in ways that affirm the stereotype (Henslin, 2017). Many people assume assistant mayor Bellwether to be a quiet, shy, and good-natured person since she is a sheep. In realityShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Zootopia 809 Words  | 4 PagesAlexandria Lara Theater 7B Professor Foster 6 December 2016 Zootopia    The animated movie, Zootopia, is about an unlikely partnership between Judy Hopps who is rabbit police officer and Nick Wilde who is a red fox as well as a con artist. In the beginning of the film, it shows Judy as a young bunny and then progresses to when she’s older and has fulfilled her dream of becoming the first rabbit police officer in Zootopia. 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The main protagonist, Judy Hopps, exemplifies those practices - model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. The first practice is model the way. According to Kouzes and Posner (2014), in order to model the way a leader must â€Å"clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values†Read MoreCritical Analysis : Transactional Analysis1193 Words  | 5 PagesKing Julien, Bellwether, and Bruce were some of the lower scoring leaders when it came to the trait approach analysis. Transactional Analysis may be another way to measure success in leadership as is trait approach. Animal leaders that tend to shift back and forth between ego states tend to have poor leadership outcomes. If we look again at Dory, Judy, and Skipper we don’t see very many or very dramatic shifts out their adult rational ego state. 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I am focusing on Moana because it is the most recent Disney animated film about an indigenous culture. Moana is centered in an unknown Polynesian land before Western colonization and focuses on the chief’s daughter, Moana on the island of MotuniRead MoreErm Research Report On Walt Disney Company Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagesengaging physical products and digital experiences, inspiring the imaginations of the young and young at heart. II. SWAT Analysis STRENGTHS Strong Brand Effect Diversified Business Stable Market Range WEAKNESSES Missed the Online Market Copy Right Management Foreign Laws and Regulations OPPORTUNITIES Extend Disney Business to Developing Countries Development of Data Analysis Digital Age THREATS Strong Competitors Changes in Economic conditions Changes of Technology 1. Strengths a. StrongRead MoreThe Disney Company : A Giant Of The World Of Media And Entertainment Essay1792 Words  | 8 Pages The quarterly earnings data shows a positive momentum and increased profits during the period beginning June 27, 2015 and ending July 2, 2016. In 2016, the Disney Company forecasts even greater earnings and growth based on the current market analysis and financial forecasts. Disney Quarterly Earnings The following table summarizes the third quarter and nine-month results for fiscal 2016 and 2015 (in millions, except per share amounts): Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended July 2, 2016 June
Monday, December 9, 2019
Market Environment Analysis
Questions: 1. Task A - Market Environment Analysis: By identifying the respective analytical tools outline the micro and macro environmental conditions that Coca-Cola operates in. Also, highlight the critical success factors. 2. Task B Resource and Capability Analysis: Outline the threshold and unique resources, core capabilities and core competencies for Coca-Cola. Answer: Introduction: Coca-Cola Company happens to be one of the major soft drink giants across the globe and have its operations in more than 200 countries in the world. As many as 500 different non alcoholic beverages are being manufactured by it and happen to be the most valuable brand recognised globally due to its serving of about 1.6 billion a day (Hankingson Cowking, 1997). It happens to be the lead player in the world as far as functional drinks are to be considered coupled with those drinks which are specific for Asian countries. Company profile and historical perspective: Its headquarters are located in Georgia. In the year 1919, Coca-Cola was incorporated as a beverage company. They have both sparkling and still beverages including water and juices to offer amongst their wide variety of products. The different products are made available to their customers through the wide and diversified network of different partners like wholesalers, retailers as well as distributers and partners respectively. A number of other allied products known as syrups, beverage bases are along being manufactured by them side by side with still and sparkling beverages (Rothaermel, 2013). This paper basically tries to analyse the strategic fit in the UK market, by evaluating the existing resources and optimise strategies as per the required recommendations. The aim is to identify and analyse the specific strategies taken up by Coca-Cola as a company so that it enjoys competitive advantage over its immediate rivals (Murthy, 1990). The focus shall be on the identification of different key factors as well as various emerging trends which show cases the selectivity of this brand over others in the soft drink industry. The internal strategic fit analysis has been done in terms of the various core concepts and capabilities which have been identified and an in-depth internal analysis of the strengths and weaknesses have been done respectively. Analysis of Market Environment: The analysis of the market environment at Coca-Cola can be successfully conducted in terms of three different attributes which include analysis of the macro and micro environments, as well as the different critical success factors or the CSF which are important for devising the overall idea about market scenario. The Macro Environment: The macro environment basically encompasses all the external factors which are important for analysis and mainly can be done through PESTLE analysis and includes those factors which are external and non controllable by the firm. PESTLE analysis: The PESTLE analysis happens to be a reliable method to qualitatively assess and strategise the company environment in terms of the existing scenario. PESTLE stands for analysis in the spectrum of political, economical, sociological, technological, legislative as well as environmental attributes. This analysis is quite similar to that of Porters five force analysis but happens to be advantageous in being comprehensive in nature (McCartney, 2014). Political Scenario: Political environment has an important role to play and the different guidelines issued by the government in UK needs to be strictly followed by the company, the failure of which shall attract penalty of different types based on severity. The entry of different brands and their competitive pricing in the political circuit can directly have an effect on it. Economic Scenario: The economic scenario of Coca-Cola as a company, have shown that the sales are significant even when there are times of recession and the fluctuation of the market economy. Sociological Scenario: As a result of changes in the life style of people, the sale of colas have though gone down little, yet the demands for non alcoholic beverages including juice, water and coffee have always remained significant. Technological Scenario: The various technological knowhow and newer and updated software like sap is being used to widen and enhance their sales as per the requirement (McCartney, 2014) Legal Analysis: The legislative analysis pertains to providing the constructive legal framework so that they may follow all the rules and regulations. The entire range of product innovations goes through the process of patenting. Environmental Analysis: In order to maintain and judiciously use natural resources, Coca-Cola has devised innovative strategies like making pet bottles which are made up of eco friendly recyclable product. During the manufacturing of soft drinks, a smart energy management system which is highly innovative has been introduced. This ensures that there is at least carbon foot print lessening to some extent (Coomb., 2014). Micro Environment Analysis: The micro environment of Coca-Cola basically refers to the internal environment of the company which involves the different frame works and policies. In order to explain the same Porters five force model is used. Coca-Cola as a company has been analysed in terms of their micro environment through porters five point model respectively (Murphy., 1990). (Source: Management centre, UK) The threat of entry of new competitors In order to combat the threat and gain competitive advantage over the new entrants, a number of strategies are being used by soft drink giant Coca-Cola to keep its competitors at bay. Different Advertisements and marketing gimmicks Coca-Cola spends a whopping $2.58 billion only towards the various advertisements and marketing thereby gaining an increase of 8.3% market share respectively. It is nearly impossible for any potentially new entrant to meet this level of competition and marketing strategy thus limiting the chances of visibility and expansion for them. Brand Image and Loyalty of the customers Pepsi and Coca-Cola as a company has gone a long way in investing millions of dollars on building up the brand image and maintains a steady existence in the market. Thus, the loyalty of the customers is reflected due to customer satisfaction and the new product launched shall have to go a long way in order to go for branding or attracting customers (McCartney., 2014). Distribution in terms of retail sector: As the margin money is quite high, a lot of it goes towards the different retailers who sell the product and varies between 10-30 % respectively. A reasonable amount of money is thus present to entertain seasoned retailers as nobody really want to provide back up to am new comer. Threat from Substitutes: Here basically, the substituted products which are available at a best price are analysed. The different non alcoholic beverages of both still and sparkling genre as prepared by Coca-Cola are analysed against their new entrants which also supply similar products to the market at a cheaper rate (McCartney, 2014). Bargaining power of the different buyers: There are numerous factors which have a direct relationship on the bargaining power of the different buyers and also entail various partnership levels as the buyers mostly happen to be the fast food fountains, convenience stores, restaurants, vending machines, college canteens etc. The ratio of revenue generation and profitability and revenue clearly showcases that the bargaining power of buyers are different for different entities. Suppliers and their bargaining power Most of the raw materials which are increasingly required by Coca-Cola happen to be the basic raw material which are easily available and include color, caffeine, flavour, sugar etc. As these products are quite easily available, the suppliers have little or no bargaining product in soft drink industry. Existing competition or rivalry amongst different presently available players Competition does exist between the seasoned players in the soft drink market but Coca-Cola tries to gain competitive advantage through huge investments in brand building and advertisements in both print and electronic media(Sharma ., 2013). Various critical success factors There are a number of critical success factors which are integral for the successful establishment of world leader in soft drink industry. They include: Operational strategy wherein Coca-Cola has dominated the current market share by reducing costs through the establishment of a centralised system for production. Department of sales and marketing ensures that customer and brand loyalty returns are important so as to ensure a continuous profitability ratio for themselves. Various channels of distribution ensure smooth deliver of the product at the right time to their customers by the various bottling companies along with automated distribution channel holds to be most successful (McCartney ., 2014). Analysis of resources and capabilities: The analysis done in 2009-2012 has shown a trend towards the upward direction as far as the annual revenue is concerned. The statistics have shown that consumption of Coca-Cola in UK happened to be 26.7 billion bottles. This exceeded the previous year figure by 1 billion there leading a significant increase in the revenue. This trend towards the upliftment was significant to a large extent (McCartney., 2014). The various resources of Coca-Cola can be classified in terms of tangible, intangible as well as human resources respectively. It is thus important to analyse these three aspects of resources respectively Tangible resources: They mostly include the physical and financial resources and describe the profit margins obtained by Coca-Cola in these years. There is a strong base of sustainable resources in terms of finances when it comes to describing Coca-Cola. Very strong resources are being used by them in order to undergo for major investments in the countries of Vietnam, India, China, etc. The money which has been invested ensures that a strong connect is made, the brand is built over a time with the requisite facilities to carry out the everyday processes (Metzger., 2014). The intangible resources: The various resources which are based on technology and the overall reputation make it a vital factory where investment is possible to a great extent. The network of Coca-Cola has been successfully expanded by the presence of hybrid engine truck. The fuel is saved to a large extent along with the harmful gas which are released from the exhaust pipe are also less considerably. One of the successful researches of Coca-Cola happen to be the plant bottle which is also known as green bottle respectively. They have been found to be very environment friendly with high rates of decomposition as well as capacities to recycle itself. Coca-Cola has been in the market for about 127 years now and happens to be amongst the top three valuable soft drink brands of the world (Anders., 2011). Human Resource: The engagement of employees happen to be one of the most important and vital jobs at Coca-Cola. The success of this company is largely dependent upon the motivation levels with which the different employees at various levels work together in unison. Thus, periodically a small set of tests are being organised by Coca-Cola so as to understand and analyse the satisfaction and engagement level of all its employees with the work front scenario. Also, the aim is to build a work place which is composite and comprehensive with all modern amenities like gym, free coke, and fruits, flexible work timing etc thereby helping it to become of the ideal offices (Doole Loowe ., 2011). Periodic training and development activities are also in the agenda to keep and maintain the focus of the employees. The staff is paid a salary which is high in standard compared to others in the industry thereby creating and interest to learn and train themselves. The staff at Coca-Cola exceeds 1.5 lakhs and these employees are not only restricted to the UK office but belong to multi ethnic and cultural groups across the world with different conditions pertaining to the socio economic strata of the society. Thus, the international standard training courses help all the employees to prepare themselves as per the global requisite parameters (Sharma., 2013). The overall branding at Coca-Cola gives rise to development of competitive prices The direct peers are no way near the investment cycle of Coca-Cola when it comes to branding. The financial capability is very strong in the case of Coca-Cola along with the presence of a talented multicultural, multiethnic team of employees who have their knowledge bases updated through various periodic trainings and workshops (Murphy., 1990). However, it is important to ensure that Coca-Cola as a company should not really stop its development after obtaining victory and continuous innovative measures are required to maintain the core product quality as well as investment in research for the development and improvisation of the new and existing products respectively. Analysis of Strategic Fit: Coca-Cola happens to be the topmost shareholder when it comes to defining the soft drink industry across the world and macro and micro environment as well as the critical success factors have been discussed and dealt in details. There are quite a number of new entrants to this industry which could be potential threats for the company and eventually may attack the weaknesses. Hence, it is advisable at this point to undergo a SWOT analysis for better understanding of the present scenario (McCartney, 2014). Strengths: Value based best brand in the global market: As per the statistics of inter band, the Coca-Cola company has been found to be the best brand which has been so highly valued. Maximal market share in terms of soft drink industry: About 40% of the market share is being undertaken by Coca-Cola Very strong team for marketing as well as advertising related events: There has been as much as $3 billion spent on advertising and marketing leading to brand recognition. Distribution channel happens to be the most extensive: The operations of Coca-Cola happens to be spun at more than 200 countries across the world and they serve as many as 1.7 billion servings a day. Loyalty of Customers: It has a very loyal customer clientele. Suppliers and bargaining power over them : Coca-Cola happens to be the giant in soft drink production and thus there is a significant amount of power as far as the prices of raw materials are concerned. CSR related activities: The different programs of social responsibility are a focus of Coco cols which include packaging and recycling, conservation, green energy, climate change, and a host of other factors which boost the image of the company (Pendergrast., 2013). Weakness: Maximal focus on the carbonated drinks: The maximum focus is to sell the carbonated drinks under this banner. The underlying strategy might work in the short term but in the long term, people might abstain from it due to chances of obesity. Unified form of portfolio for its products: If we compare the other competitors, the ole concentration of Coca-Cola to serve different flavours of carbonated drinks only and in the long run they will find loads of issues to maintain sustainability as their only revenue source is coke. Acquisitions and debts: Debt of high value as many as $8 million during acquisition (Coombs., 2014). Negative form of publicity: There are cases of high water consumption in places where the water itself is low along with the use of harmful chemicals as taste enhancers. Opportunities: Increased consumption of packaged water: There is an overall increase in the consumption of water within the country. Demand for food and drink which are healthy: there is an opportunity for Coca-Cola to do in depth research and modify their product lines to carb down on the intake of food materials with loads of fats thereby preventing obesity. Increased consumption of beverages: Emerging markets in the BRIC countries have increasing share of beverages for them thereby enhancing its own market share. Acquisitions based growth: It is quite difficult for Coca-Cola as a company to maintain the present statistics for growth and penetration of new market, but this is possible through acquisition. Threats Customer preferences alteration: As a result of being health conscious, the average preference of people have strict requirements. But Coca-Cola happens to serve carbonated drink which could be a great hit. Scarcity of water: The scarcity of water across the world has enhanced the cost as well as given the way to criticism (Karnani., 2014). Dollar value: Maximum income of Coca-Cola is from outside US. The overall income might fall down in the absence of synchronisation of the corresponding currency with dollar. Competition: Rivals and peers like PepsiCo is immensely competing with Coca-Cola for BRIC countries share. Conclusion: Coca-Cola has been able to maintain its gigantic position in the world map. However, it is important for it re-design and reinvent the different strategies through which it can gain competitive advantage in the changing dynamics of the market. Though, carbonated drinks have been found to be the main profit margin for Coca-Cola, but it is also imperative to look for alternate products and their branding equally so that in the absence of a proper product for earning, there are others which can mitigate the risks. As a result that a whole lot of money is being spent for branding and image building, it is necessary to always look for cheap alterations which will eventually reduce the cost without really affecting the course of events. Research and development is absolutely required to maintain and sustain its number 1 position in the world. References Anders, J. (2011). Coca-Colas Marketing Strategy: An Analysis of Price, Product and Communication. Coombs, W. T. (2014).Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage Publications. Doole, I., Lowe, R. (2012).International marketing strategy. Cengage Learning. Hankinson, G., Cowking, P. (1997). Branding in practice: the profile and role of brand managers in the UK.Journal of Marketing Management,13(4), 239-264. Karnani, A. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Avert the Tragedy of the Commons. Case Study: Coca-Cola India.Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, (3), 11-23. McCartney, M. (2014). Is Coca-Colas antiobesity scheme the real thing?.BMJ,349, g4340. Metzger, K. (2014). Business Analysis of UK Supermarket Industry. Murphy, J. (1990). Assessing the value of brands.Long Range Planning,23(3), 23-29. Pendergrast, M. (2013).For God, country, and Coca-Cola: The definitive history of the great American soft drink and the company that makes it. Basic Books. Rothaermel, F. (2012).Strategic management. McGraw-Hill. Sharma, A. K. (2013). Competitive advantage-A way to kill your competitors.ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics Management Research,3(1), 44-48.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Macbeth Essays (580 words) - Characters In Macbeth,
Macbeth The witches could foretell the future, they can add temptation, and influence Macbeth, but they could not control his destiny. Macbeth created his own misery when he kills people. This causes him to become insecure, because of the reasons for his actions, which in turn causes him to commit more murders. The witches give great enticement, but in the end, it's Macbeth's decision to fall for the temptation. The three Witches are only responsible for introducing the ideas to Macbeth, and putting the ideas in his head, but they are not responsible for his actions throughout the play. However it's more realistic to believe that Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's ambition, and his own responsibilities ended it for him, not the witches. Lady Macbeth is shown early as an ambitious woman who can manipulate Macbeth easily. This is shown in the line That I may pour my spirits in thine ear(I,V,26). She is selfless, and wants what is best for her husband. Before the speech that Lady Macbeth gives in act one scene five, Macbeth does not want to go through with the killing of the king. She manipulates Macbeth's self-esteem by playing on his manliness and his bravery. Macbeth has the final say in whether or not to go through with the killing, but he loves Lady Macbeth and wants to make her happy. Lady Macbeth is the dominating individual in the relationship. It seems that she can convince him to do anything as long as she pushes the right buttons. Macbeth's ambition is present before the witch's prophesies. He would never have thought seriously about killing Duncan without the witches. But the combination of his ambitious and the witch's prophecies leads him to kill the king. Lady Macbeth even says,Thou wouldst be great/ Art not without ambition.(I,V,80-81). Macbeth also says, his besetting sin: I have no spur/ To prick the sides of my intent, but only/ Vaulting ambition. Macbeth's ambition is shown while he waits to have a succession of kings after him. Macbeth has a lot of ambition in h im and because of this, both the witches and Lady Macbeth are able to make him evil. It is this ambition that gets him into so much trouble not the witches. Once Macbeth kills for the first time, he has to cover up his wrong doings, or risk loosing everything he has worked so hard for. In the end, it all comes to Macbeth himself. Everyone is responsible for his own destiny. This is what I think the theme is in this tragedy. Macbeth chooses to gamble with his life and when he does this, it is only him who chooses to lose it. He is responsible for everything he does and must take responsibility for his actions. Macbeth is the one who made the final decision to carry out his actions. He made these final decisions and continued with the killings to cover the murder of King Duncan. The killing of Duncan starts an unstoppable chain of events in the play that ends with the murder of Macbeth and the suicide of Lady Macbeth. While the witches are not totally responsible for the actions of Ma cbeth, they are responsible for introducing the ideas to Macbeth. Macbeth's ambition led to the deadly chain of events. The witches never had any real power to affect the future in the play. It was Macbeth all along who ended it for himself. Shakespeare Essays
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