Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sociological Impacts of the Hurricane Essay
Sociological Impacts of the Hurricane Essay Social Dimensions of Disaster Essay Example Social Dimensions of Disaster Essay Example Hurricanes are very intense storms, which are created over water, especially in oceans, and then shift towards the neighboring land. They are categorized into five types according to their wind damage potential, central pressure and the velocity of the wind. Category 5, 4, and 3 are major hurricanes considering the scale since they have high wind speeds that cause great destructions. Category 1 and 2 are not as destructive as other major storms but can still result into the demolition of properties and wounds to individuals. These types of natural disasters have an effect on inland and coastal regions. However, the latter are the most affected ones because they are closer to the oceans than the mainland areas. The primary hazards associated with hurricanes include storm surges, rip currents, cyclones, inland flooding, severe rainfalls, as well as high winds. Due to the destructive effects of hurricanes, countries should have programs for preparing their citizens for a potential occur rence of such disasters. This paper evaluates how a community that lives in the coastal region should react to a storm warning. It will further discuss the recovery process after the storm has hit the area. As an Emergency Management Director in the region, it is important to offer the community 24, 48, and 72-hour plans during the emergency. Moreover, it is necessary to provide possible evacuation approaches before the disaster. Finally, the paper highlights sociological and psychological aspects just before, amid, as well as after the catastrophe. Early Preparation The coastal community must prepare for a possible occurrence of a hurricane in the region within 72 hours. The tragedy may cause the interruption of services like gas, transportation, communications, and power, injuries and deaths of animals and people, and the demolition of buildings (Hamilton, 2012). Animal and human injuries are mainly brought about by collapsing buildings or structures from flooding, storm surge, and high winds. Therefore, preparation is significant to reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and destructions. A preparation plan should be elaborated and divided into three phases of 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours before the hurricane hits the coastal region. Besides, the process entails evacuation arrangements to evade the disaster. Preparation Within 72 Hours 72 hours before the hurricane, most of the conditions are not known certainty except a hurricane alert. This phase may require the senior management in the Emergency Management Department to assess the existing and the predicted hurricane path. They should also ensure that all response preparation measures are set in motion, including the last arrangements. The team should continue highlighting general methods and the readiness of the whole community. All hurricane preparation plans and emergency strategies are laid down. The team may start examining the weather from different media sources from time to time. Moreover, the department needs to ensure that all households in the community have enough supplies of water, food and fuel to use during the disaster period. Since most people in the region will not be working during this time, an adequate food supply is necessary. At this point, the department can discuss plans to clear the ground from all debris, dead limbs, loose materials, a nd equipment and uproot all weak trees together with the local population (Nardo, 2009). These activities are imperative since such materials may result into injuries during the hurricane. Households have to make sure that they have the latest phone numbers for receiving fuel, water, food emergency generator suppliers, and any other support responses. During the 72-hour duration, support responses may be needed any time since the community will be mostly indoors. Other plans during the 72-hour phase include providing community hospitals with adequate oxygen as well as fuel supplies. Injuries are common during catastrophes, and hospitals should be fully prepared to handle high numbers of casualties to prevent possible deaths. The hospital staff must be equipped with necessary tools and equipment to undertake their duties appropriately. All hospital phones should be working in case of any emergencies affecting the coastal community. Furthermore, the latter ought to ensure their family readiness. Structures and homes will be blocked by sandbags filled and put suitably (Schaefer-Jones, 2007). Lastly, the emergency department must be fully equipped, and the IT staff should guarantee that all Command Center phones are working. Briefings need to be held on a regular basis to discuss the changing weather conditions and evacuation plans. Preparation Within 48 Hours The second phase of the preparation process is the 48-hour plan before the hurricane. The latter is just two days before it hits the area, and the community is to make the final preparations. The hurricane poses a considerable threat to the area, and the catastrophe path remains unpredictable. The emergency team should be holding meetings to assess new weather conditions to brief the community if necessary. Some of the team members can disperse in different parts of the region to help the community in securing their buildings from the hurricane (Schaefer-Jones, 2007). The activities of protecting homes may involve giving them sandbags to to prevent heavy flooding waters. Besides, house items are supposed to be moved to one section of the house. Food and water supplies should also be kept in a safe place in a house, where every member of the family can access them prior to the disaster. Furthermore, all drainage systems around homes should be clear to ease the flow of water to avert flooding. Poor drainage contributes a lot to flooding being dangerous as it carries debris and may drown people or animals. Clearing the drains involves unblocking any blocked systems and collecting all items around the houses. There are circumstances that will require people to shield themselves from strong winds caused by the tornado. Therefore, families ought to start recognizing protective spots around their homes. Such locations may include small rooms that do not have windows like a closet or a bathroom located on the lowly sides of houses. Every member of the family should practice taking cover in a shielding location rapidly. Institutions like schools need to be closed for all students to be able to join their families before the storm. Hospitals can discharge all patients who are not severely ill and can recuperate at homes. This strategy aims to create more space in the local hospitals in anticipation of possible casualties. The hospital management will divide the hospital staff into groups for proper coordination during the disaster. Each group expected to be on duty during the catastrophe will be informed to go to work as soon as the emergency management department in the area gives a warning. They will then be discharged from obligations 24 hours preceding the disaster to deal with individual needs and come back to their separate organizations before the typhoon hits the region (Schaefer-Jones, 2007). Additionally, the emergency team in the area will start releasing weather alerts to the community as soon as it receives them from meteorologists. Evacuation strategies should start 48 hours before the hurricane strikes. The authorities and emergency management teams should purpose to evacuate as many residents as possible from dangerous locations (Stein, Dueà ±as-Osorio, Subramanian, 2010). Consequently, all risky areas that are located in the hurricane’s path will be identified. The general population is urged to act to their greatest advantage and willfully clear high-risk regions before a suggested evacuation. In the event if one intends to evacuate, he or she should leave ahead of schedule, as it will be prudent before the typhoon winds and hurricane surges cause road blockages. Leaving early may likewise help the people to maintain a strategic distance from massive traffic jams experienced later during an evacuation. Sitting in front of the television and listening to the radio is hence significant to get the most recent reports about the tornado. Most of the time, three phases of evacuation are carried out in areas prone to hurricanes and other catastrophes (Dixit, 2008). The first step involves moving those people who reside in parts that are the most susceptible to the results of storm water and winds. They include people on boats, in low-lying regions and islands, offshore employees, and those in need of special medical attention. This phase is mostly undertaken starting from 50 hours ahead of the hurricane. The second stage focuses on residents of risky areas like those in flood-prone parts, low-lying regions, and those living in manufactured houses such as mobile homes. In addition, all persons residing outside levee protection are considered during this stage. It starts 40 hours or less before the hurricane hits the region. The final phase of evacuation is the most serious and takes place 30 hours before the disaster. The emergency team collaborating with the local authority should stress an evacuation and restrict acce ss to risky regions. The establishment of contra-flow lanes is done at this phase to redirect traffic. The routes used during the evacuation will be secured as the hurricane nears the vulnerable area. The community people evacuating the region need to be well prepared before they leave their homes. They should pack some of their most valuable items in bags. Parents ought to gather their children, pets, livestock, and any other animals ready to move. Medical equipment, medicines, hearing aids, eyeglasses, power cords, and batteries should also be taken, as they are very vital. All relevant documents such as school and insurance certificates whether in hard or soft copies must be the first things to pack (Dixit, 2008). Moreover, items for personal needs like the first aid kit, cash, credit cards, ATMs, clothing, water, and food are to be included in the bag. Finally, there are priceless things with an emotional attachment such as mementos and pictures, which should not be left behind during the evacuation procedure. Preparation Within 24 Hours The third stage of the preparation process is a 24-hour plan before the storm in the coastal area. Before this stage, almost all persons in high-risk locations have already been evacuated. A few people remaining will be evacuated within 24 hours. Those in low-risk areas who are not evacuating will also take precautionary measures to reduce or eliminate damages and injuries. Such measures include but not limited to staying in houses, but away from any glass doors and windows. Strong winds during the hurricane lead to flying debris that may be deadly if they hit people. Unnecessary lights should be put off since the storm interferes with electricity and can be dangerous. However, using candles is discouraged as well as it can cause fires. If in darkness, one should use flashlights because they are safer. The emergency management team should ensure that all vehicles to be used during emergencies are fuelled. All local hospitals should be ready, and the staff who will be working during t he storm should go back to the hospital. Lastly, people can communicate with their friends and families to avoid overwhelming the telephone system once the hurricane hits (Schaefer-Jones, 2007). Recovery Process Another primary process that is required in the event of a disaster is assisting the community in recovering after the hurricane is over. The process of disaster recovery is a combination of different activities that take place ahead of, amid, and after the catastrophe. The disaster recovery procedure usually starts prior to the occurrence of the hurricane. This phase is known as preparedness, and the community equips itself with all necessary things to cope with the aftereffects of the hurricane during evacuation, warning, and sheltering (Hamilton, 2012). Furthermore, such activities as the removal of debris, organization of volunteers, donations and utility restoration are regular in high-risk regions. Such recovery plans before the disaster lead to a reduction of the effects of the hurricane and post-recovery procedures. Most of the time, post-calamity recovery takes place in two stages, that is, long-term and short-term. The latter comprises searches and rescue, utility restoration, debris clearance, public information and damage assessments. Long-term recuperation starts when the local community begins to repair and restore streets, extensions, homes, as well as stores. This period also entails changes and improvements, for example, fortifying construction standards, zoning assignments, changing area utilization, progressing transportation passages and considering affordable housing (Schaefer-Jones, 2007). A majority of changes and improvements occur at this stage whether they are well thought-out before the disaster or not. The long-term recovery process aims at decreasing the number of fatalities during subsequent catastrophes. Psychological and Sociological Impacts of the Hurricane From the moment a hurricane warning is issued in a particular region like the coastal area, some people will be affected sociologically and psychologically. Psychological aspects are those that affect the community emotionally. Before the hurricane hits the region, nearly everyone will be stressed due to the fear of losing one’s life or his or her property. Others may be anxious since they are not sure they will reunite with their family and friends after the storm. Panic attacks are common during this period, and it is characterized by extreme fear and psychological arousal. Furthermore, one thinks that he or she is about to die expressing hopelessness, uncertainty, and the feeling of severe environmental restriction (Fink, 2010). Different individuals will experience various symptoms such as vertigo, sweating, nausea, hyperventilation, cardiac palpitations, and bradycardia. During the actual occurrence of the disaster, psychological effects may include panic attacks. Some people may be unable to contain themselves and start running from safe locations. Such scenarios will cause injuries or even deaths since going outside the buildings is perilous. Persons may experience irregular heart rhythms, rise in blood pressure or gastrointestinal problems. Events in which people wet, particularly children, are common during a hurricane due to fear. Other people may be so distressed because of strong winds that shake the buildings that they commit a suicide (Fink, 2010). The worst psychological effects among people in risky regions occur after the disaster because some have lost their loved ones and property worth a lot. One of the most common is post-traumatic stress, which may include nightmares, evading and withdrawal reactions and physical arousal reactions. The second effect is traumatic grief, which is described as distress that a person undergoes after losing a relative or a friend in a traumatic way, such as a hurricane. Such people cannot grieve properly as they concentrate on death’s circumstances regularly. Depression is also a very common psychological impact of the hurricane that influences its survivors. Its symptoms can incorporate discouraged temperament, diminished enthusiasm for exercises, change in rest patterns or appetite, weakness, and emotions of misery and uselessness (Fink, 2010). Undesirable changes, delayed pain, and misfortune are clearly identified with the buildup of post-catastrophe dissatisfaction. Some young people and grown-ups may encounter self-destructive contemplations, which is a noteworthy issue that ought to be considered important to avert a self-hurting conduct. Someone who is undergoing such symptoms is advised to seek medical and counseling help promptly. Physical effects such as headaches may also be experienced even without physical harm (Fink, 2010). The impact of social factors before a tragedy hits a region is inevitable since social ties will be broken. For instance, family members may be separated during the evacuation process, especially if they do not live in the same region. School-going children, work colleagues, and neighbors are also divided at this period (Thomas, Phillips, Lovekamp, Fothergill, 2013). Social ties are further broken during the hurricane as some people die, and others are caught up in the debris. Communicating with the loved ones during the catastrophe is almost impossible as telephone lines are overwhelmed, and one cannot leave the house. Social connections are vital because they are important components of society. The community finds it difficult to recover even after the hurricane effects have been reduced. After the storm, social relationships suffer greatly since people are scattered all over the country. Children who lose their parents or guardians are often placed in foster homes. It breaks the ties among siblings further. There are cases of people who get lost after the disaster despite the rescue efforts by the local authorities. Others cannot relate with their families and friends because of their post-disaster traumas. Institutions like churches, schools, and business organizations are also affected negatively by the events (Thomas, Phillips, Lovekamp, Fothergill, 2013). Consequently, the community ought to undertake all efforts necessary to restore the broken social ties since they will affect even the economic aspect of the country. In conclusion, hurricanes affect all aspects of a community life, whether social or economic. As a result, the preparedness of the community before the region is stricken by the disaster is essential. The preparation process should include phases of 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. Activities undertaken by the community during this period may include an evacuation, securing buildings, and keeping food and water supplies safe. The recovery process involves procedures of helping society make progress after the catastrophe. The community can also identify useful efforts that could have reduced fatalities in the recovery process. Reconstructing homes, roads, and other social amenities occurs in this period. Finally, people are affected socially and psychologically by the events that occur during a hurricane. Since the whole community is impacted negatively, there is the need to reduce such effects.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Understanding Islams Stance on Alcohol
Understanding Islams Stance on Alcohol Alcohol and other intoxicants are forbidden in the Quran, as they are a bad habit that drives people away from the remembrance of God. Several different verses address the issue, revealed at different times over a period of years. A complete ban on alcohol is widely accepted among Muslims as part of wider Islamic dietary law. Gradual Approach The Quran did not ban alcohol from the beginning. This is considered to be a wise approach by Muslims, who believe that Allah did so in His wisdom and knowledge of human nature- quitting cold turkey would be difficult as it was so ingrained in society at the time. The first verse of the Quran on the topic forbade Muslims from attending prayers while intoxicated (4:43). Interestingly, a verse revealed thereafter acknowledged that alcohol contains some good and some evil, but the evil is greater than the good (2:219). Thus, the Quran took several initial steps toward steering people away from the consumption of alcohol. The final verse took an unequivocal tone, forbidding it outright. Intoxicants and games of chance were called abominations of Satans handiwork, intended to turn people away from God and forget about prayer. Muslims were ordered to abstain (5:90–91) (Note: The Quran is not arranged chronologically, so the verse numbers are not in order of revelation. Later verses were not necessarily revealed after earlier verses). Intoxicants In the first verse cited above, the word for intoxicated is sukara which is derived from the word sugar and means drunk or intoxicated. That verse doesnt mention the drink which makes one so. In the next verses cited, the word which is often translated as wine or intoxicants is al-khamr, which is related to the verb to ferment. This word could be used to describe other intoxicants such as beer, although wine is the most common understanding of the word. Muslims interpret these verses together to forbid any intoxicating substance- whether it be wine, beer, gin, whiskey, etc. The result is the same, and the Quran outlines that it is the intoxication, which makes one forgetful of God and prayer, that is harmful. Over the years, the understanding of intoxicating substances has come to include more modern street drugs and the like. The Prophet Muhammad also instructed his followers at the time to avoid any intoxicating substances- (paraphrased) if it intoxicates in a large amount, it is forbidden even in a small amount. For this reason, most observant Muslims avoid alcohol in any form, even small amounts that are sometimes used in cooking. Buying, Serving, Selling, and More The Prophet Muhammad also warned his followers that participating in the alcohol trade is forbidden, cursing 10 people: ...the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought. For this reason, many Muslims will decline to work in positions where they must serve or sell alcohol. Sources and Further Reading Kamarulzaman, A., and S. M. Saifuddeen. Islam and Harm Reduction. International Journal of Drug Policy 21.2 (2010): 115–18.Lambert, Nathaniel M. et al. Invocations and intoxication: Does prayer decrease alcohol consumption? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 24.2 (2010): 209–19.Michalak, Laurence, and Karen Trocki. Alcohol and Islam: An Overview. Contemporary Drug Problems 33.4 (2006): 523–62.Why is it forbidden to drink alcohol? Islam Question Answer, October 21, 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Are social network site good for our society Essay
Are social network site good for our society - Essay Example Studies have shown that this has significantly lowered worker productivity in many organizations. This has resulted in many companies recording losses. The other danger of social sites is that they expose children to predators. There are various sexual crimes that are committed through the use of these sites in different parts of the globe. Social sites promote human trafficking and they also promote other cyber crimes through identity theft. Security is limited in terms of the use of social sites and this has given criminals the opportunity to steal personal information belonging to other people. Some companies have recorded massive losses as a result of crimes that have been committed through the use of social sites. The use of social sites also expose computers to viruses and this can lead to loss of vital personal or company information. Therefore, it can be noted that the benefits of using social networks social in nature, they just offer personal gratification to the individuals who use them. However, the disadvantages of using social networks are gross and they outweigh the benefits. Huge financial losses are often experienc ed by both individuals and organizations as a result of the use of social
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Coyne and Messina Articles Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Coyne and Messina Articles Analysis - Term Paper Example The studies conducted by Coyne’s and Messina’s groups are similar, since they are fundamentally interested in bettering the status and quality of the healthcare industry and the services it accords. To this effect, both groups choose dependent and independent variables and then research and analyze how these variables can be harnessed in order to improve the status of the American healthcare industry and services. Specifically, on one hand, Coyne and his group consider the relevance of causative variables like the type of hospital ownership and hospital size in furthering the cause of efficiency within the framework of healthcare services provision. On the other hand, Messina and his group research and scrutinize the nexus between patient satisfaction in teaching and nonteaching healthcare organizations, which practice inpatient admission. There is no gainsaying that patient satisfaction and efficiency are principle yardsticks of determining industrial success. Both Coyne and Messina carry out an extensive reviewing of already existing literature materials, in order to explain and analyze the relationship between the (independent and dependent) variables and the research findings. The same literature materials authenticate and generate recommendations that will be later on proposed. Coyne et al. (2009) and Messina et al. (2009) incorporate identical design elements in their research activities. Apart from the fact that both works are quantitative, the same also use sampling, as a way of narrowing the demographic components that are to be analyzed. For example, Coyne and the group discard private-owned hospitals and hospitals outside the state of Washington. For Messina and his group, seven teaching and nonteaching hospitals that were renowned between 1999 and 2003 suffice. However, even as a myriad of similarities between Coyne and Messina’s works abounds, differences between the two research works also exist. At one end, Messina and his proteges are intent on confirming and divulging on the relationship between inpatient admission in teaching and nonteaching hospitals, and patient satisfaction. At the other end, Coyne and his group are interested in shedding light on how the type of hospital ownership and hospital size relate with cost and efficiency. Two fundamental problems guide the work that Messina and his group carry out. These problems are the relationships that exist between patient satisfaction and inpatient admission in teaching and nonteaching hospitals. This is unlike the work that Joseph Coyne and his groups carry out. Particularly, Joseph Coyne and his group’s research undertaking investigates a single research question- the relationship between cost and efficiency and hospital size and the type of hospital ownership. In respect to the foregoing, there is lucidity in saying that while Coyne and his proteges’ research study is a two-way study of variance that of Messina and his prote ges is a multivariate design. The variables in the two analyses are also different. The independent variables for Coyne and his group include the structure of hospital ownership and hospital size, while teaching and nonteaching healthcare institutions serve as independent variables for Messina’s group. For dependent variables, Coyne and his gr
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The audience can sympathise Essay Example for Free
The audience can sympathise Essay Arthur Miller wrote A View from the Bridge as a modern version of a Greek tragedy, therefore, Eddies death at the end of Act Two should be tragic. The audience have to feel pity, or pathos, towards Eddie when he dies to make the play a successful tragedy. According to 1.Aristotles definition of a tragic hero, the hero should be noble and of high status; he should have a flaw, or hamartia, which should lead to his tragic ending; his punishment should seem to be harsher than his crime; and he should realise that his flaw has led to his tragedy. By making his play a modern version of a Greek tragedy, Miller uses the character of Alfieri, his description of Eddie as a likeable and respected man and an extreme and violent death in the arms of his wife to make the audience sympathise with him and to make him a tragic hero. Throughout the play, Miller gives his audience many reasons to respect and admire Eddie. Although there is too much love (p. 48) for his niece, it is also obvious that he is very protective over Catherine and genuinely cares about her. Eddie and his wife have taken Catherine in and have given her a loving and caring home to live in. Also, Eddie seems popular within his community, is liked by Louis and Mike and is described by Alfieri as good a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even. (p. 26) Eddie is respected both in the house, because he is head of the household, and in the community. This shows that he is actually a noble person, with high status in the Italian-American community. He is the only person in the family who works; he is the provider for the family. Miller shows how hardworking Eddie is because he has to earn a living for his whole family and despite the mistakes he makes, both Catherine and Beatrice love him until he dies at the end of the play. Many may feel sorry for Eddie even without the chorus, Alfieri, being there to lead the audience though the play. In the beginning of the play, when Beatrice tells Eddie, Shes got a job. (p. 18), Eddie seems shocked and says to Catherine Its not wonderfulYou cant take no job. Why didnt you ask me before you take a job? (p. 18). This quote shows the audience that Eddie disapproves of this and does not want his niece to leave him, even though Beatrice and Catherine had wanted Eddie to be happy about this. When Beatrice tells Eddie that Catherine will earn fifty dollars a week (p. 18), Eddie is taken aback and his jealousy of Catherine earning more than he does becomes more and more obvious throughout the conversation. Later on in the discussion, Eddie says I want you to be in a nice office. Maybe a lawyers office someplace in New York in one of them nice buildings. (p. 19). This contradicts what Alfieri says in his introduction to the play In this neighbourhood to meet a lawyer or a priest on the street is unlucky. Were only thought of in connexion with disasters, and theyd rather not get too close. (p. 11). Later on in the play, when Catherine fell in love with Eddie, Eddie gets even more envious and angry. In his conversation with Catherine, he says He [Rodolpho] marries you hes go the right to be an American citizenThe guy is lookin for his break, thats all hes lookin for. (p. 41). This shows how angry Eddie is at the fact that Catherine likes Rodolpho, and not him. Miller helps the audience sympathise with Eddie in this scene by making Catherine trust Rodolpho instead of Eddie. To a modern audience, there may be some features in Eddie that are hard not to dislike. His flaw involves love for a girl he has raised as if she was his own daughter, a terrible taboo. Also, Eddie is a parental figure who seems to expect women to do domestic work for him. Tragic heroes usually recognise their own mistakes. In Greek tragedies, this is the moment in a play when the tragic hero appreciates their own weakness and their own responsibility. However, throughout the play, Eddie does not admit to himself the truth about loving Catherine. Although Beatrice tries to make him face this truth by saying You want somethin else, Eddie and you can never have her (p. 83), Eddie seems truly shocked and grasps his head as though it would burst (p. 83). All throughout the play, Eddie never really seems capable of facing what he feels or admitting his responsibility. Even in the end of the play, Eddie says, Marco, tell them what a liar you are! (p. 84) To try and prevent the audience from making harsh judgements of Eddie, Miller uses Alfieri as a type of chorus in the play. In Greek tragedies, the chorus are observers who judge actions fairly. They help the audience to consider the elements of the play. As the chorus, Alfieri sympathises with Eddie, along with the audience. He expresses his feelings and thoughts to the audience about what happens throughout the play and provides judgement. In the play, Alfieri suggests that it is normal and human to sin. He also states that many people have hidden guilty secrets but there is something beautiful in a man whose sins are so public and so clear that he becomes wholly known (p. 85). Before Eddie calls the immigration department, Alfieri warns him that even those who understand will turn against you (p. 67), which shows that Eddies weakness is not special, but that other people still will judge him. Then, with Eddie dying on stage, Alfieri ends the play by saying, I confess that something perversely pure calls to me from his [Eddies] memoryfor he allowed himself to be wholly known and for that I think I will love him (p. 85) In other words, since we all have guilty secrets but manage to keep them hidden inside, there is something quite pure in a person whose guilty secrets are not unknown. An oxymoron Miller used, perversely pure (p. 85), shows that Alfieri wants us to think about our own weaknesses and not judge Eddie too harshly. Another common feature of Greek tragedy is that the death should seem predictable, and that it cannot be stopped. Miller uses Alfieri to suggest this to the audience, as if it is out of control of the character. Right from the beginning, Miller makes it obvious that Eddie would die in the end. Alfieri keeps giving clues to the audience about Eddie being destined to die, saying he felt powerless and watched it run its bloody course. (p. 12) Another quote from Alfieri is, I knew where he [Eddie] was heading for, I knew where he was going to end. (p. 50) These quotes make us feel more pity for Eddie because, even when he seems happy and loving, we still know he is heading towards a bloody (p. 12) end. Miller successfully makes Eddie a sympathetic character by making him fit the tragic hero he is supposed to be. The audience goes from admiring Eddie to getting to know his terrible guilty secret. Through the whole play we get the unescapable feeling that he is heading towards his bloody end and that it is his guilty secret that will cause it. Although for some modern theatre audiences, Eddie may seem to be an old-fashioned man and although he never really admits his own faults, Miller uses Alfieris character to make sure we can still feel the intended pity. I think this is Millers greatest achievement in this play, reminding us that we are all human, guilty in some ways, and that we should feel sorry for ourselves and Eddie for that.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Role of Wiglaf in Beowulf Essay -- Beowulf Wiglaf Essays
The Role of Wiglaf in Beowulf Seemingly minor character Wiglaf plays a central role in the conclusion of Beowulf. A young knight who has never before seen battle, Wiglaf steps forward to help his lord, hero, and cousin Beowulf in a time of peril. With his failure in battle and resulting death, the narrator shows that Beowulf is, after all, a prideful and mortal being; thus begins the transfer of heroic status from the old king to the young knight. The narrator argues that Wiglaf is worthy of his abruptly acquired status even though his intentions may seem questionable. The end of the poem devotes a significant amount of lines to dialogue spoken by Wiglaf, signifying his newly crucial role in his kingdom and in the story. Inevitably, the noble youth progresses to a position of epic heroism, continuing Beowulf’s legacy and fulfilling his figurative role as the â€Å"treasure†¦won,/ bought and paid for by Beowulf’s death†(2843-2844). Beowulf’s strength fails him for the first time when he confronts the dragon. As he loses the futile battle that he pridefully insists on fighting alone, the narrative breaks from Beowulf’s peril and focuses on Wiglaf. With â€Å"wise and fluent words,†(2632) Wiglaf delivers a monologue in the poem rivaled in length and power by Beowulf alone. Clearly, Wiglaf has something profound to add to the story as the narrator spends considerable time quoting his sentiments while Beowulf is trying to slay an angry dragon in the background. Like the knight in The Wanderer, Wiglaf recounts the happy days in the mead hall with longing, and wishes to serve his lord with all his strength. Without Beowulf, the knights would be displaced, lonely, and without purpose. To inspire his comra... ...m â€Å"big and brave†(2837). Wiglaf has truly lived up to the poet’s and to Beowulf’s expectations. Upon Beowulf’s death, he says, â€Å"I give thanks / that I behold this treasure here in front of me, / that I have been allowed to leave my people / so well endowed†(2795-2798). As most of the gold ends up burning on the king’s funeral pyre, it is likely that the treasure Beowulf speaks of is Wiglaf, himself. The young knight has proven his abilities and will certainly serve his people well. The poet explains that â€Å"the treasure had been won, / bought and paid for by Beowulf’s death†(2843-2844). Wiglaf rises to the most significant role in the poem, as he achieves a level of heroism matched only by Beowulf in his younger years. He proves to be the treasure that compensates the king’s death, filling the resulting void in his kingdom and in the narrative.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Preserve Toothbrushes Essay
Strategic planning is an important aspect for any business or corporation. Without it, an organization has no way to achieve a stated goal. They have no way to march towards their vision. In the case of Eric Hudson, an entrepreneur with a vision, he successfully created a business with a goal in mind and implemented a strategic plan to make it happen. Every small business startup has to have some edge in order to compete; otherwise they will be forced out by larger, pre-existing competitors. For Preserve, this meant identifying and filling a niche in an industry largely consisting of multinational conglomerates. For Eric Hudson, this meant thinking critically, having a plan, and implementing it in order to carry out his vision. Preserve found its niche in environmentally friendly toothbrushes. Preserve created an environmentally friendly toothbrush manufactured from recycled plastic. Further enhancing the product was a unique 45 degree angled head designed by Hudson’s father, an industrial engineer. At the time, the â€Å"green†movement was largely a niche in itself. While not a first-mover, others were already in the â€Å"green†products industry; Preserve had a modified approach of the second-mover strategy. It did not create the â€Å"green†industry, but it did create a new product. It was often a small market for â€Å"green†products, and the products that existed were often less effective and of poor quality. However, for Eric Hudson, he made it his vision to provide an environmentally friendly product without sacrificing quality or performance. Initially, Preserve’s toothbrush was marketed through grassroots movements and sampling. However, it was at one of the sampling events, that an employee from Stonyfield Yogurt, an organic yogurt company, approached Preserve and relayed the information that they consistently had leftover plastic from producing yogurt containers. With this bit of information, Preserve had a new strategic alliance that provided them with the raw materials to produce its product, and Stonyfield had the ability to promote tself as an environmentally friendly corporation as a result of its efforts. Preserve is a small, niche brand, and like most other small niche brands, their marketing budget pales in comparison to its larger competitors. In Preserve’s case, they focus on generating publicity to promote and advertise their brand. The best advertisement is free advertisement, and Preserve tends to generate a lot of magazine articles and television appearances. This in turn generates word of m outh testimonials, the most effective form of advertising. Businesses in general should continually strive to enhance their business model and update their strategic plan. A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for examining a business and how it is meeting its basic mission. By comparing the firm’s strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats, a SWOT analysis provides managers with a view of the organization’s internal and external environments. In turn, this analysis can be used to determine if the firm is meeting expectations or if it is on track to meet expectations. Preserve’s director of marketing, C. A. Webb, admits that she doesn’t actually perform SWOT analysis’s, but certainly uses that form of thinking consistently when implementing new products, distribution channels, designs, or other decisions. In fact, it was this style of thinking that led to Preserve to focus its effort on packaging its unknown product in order to appeal to a more sophisticated market and consumer. It was crucial to target a specific audience because retailers could not devote large amounts of shelf space to a small brand such as Preserve. So Preserve made it their mission to go up against their large competitors in the only way possibleâ€â€out marketing them. Business strategy and strategic plans are crucial for any business, small, medium, or large. Preserve certainly provides an excellent example of the necessity of a strategic plan and how following one can lead to success, provided the organization has the necessary strengths and environment as can be determined by a SWOT analysis. Preserve’s success can certainly be attributed to a successful business plan, as well as careful planning. Both are important lessons to be taken away from Preserve’s market presence.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Television Broadcasts Limited
Television Broadcasts Limited, commonly known as TVB, is the first wireless commercial television station in Hong Kong. It was first established on 19 November 1967 with only about 200 staff. The Group has now grown to a size of about 4,200 including contract artistes and staff in overseas subsidiary companies. The major activities of TVB are television broadcasting, programme production and other broadcasting related activities such as programme licensing, video distribution and satellite broadcasting etc.It transmits over 17,000 hours of programming on its Chinese Jade channel and English Pearl channel free of charge to 2. 34 million homes in Hong Kong. It is one of the largest producers of Chinese language programming in the world. Many of the Chinese programmes are dubbed into other languages and are distributed to more than 40 countries and cities, accessible to over 300 million households. During the prime time viewing hours, the Chinese Jade Channel and English Pearl Channel a chieve a remarkable average of 87% and 80% of Hong Kong’s television audience share respectively.To cope with future development, the Company invested HK$2. 2 billion in the construction of a new state-of-the-art TVB City in Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate. The management and production facilities, with a building area of over 110,000 sq metres, 30% more than the TV City at Clear Water Bay Road, came into full operation in October 2003. There are two outdoor shooting locations and 22 production studios in TVB City. The new TVB City is fully digitized to enhance its services to the public.On 31 December 2007, TVB officially launched its 24-hour HD channel, HD Jade, providing diverse and brand new audio/visual entertainment in the digital era. In addition to the simulcast of digital Jade and Pearl channel, TVB started operating J2 and iNews digital channels in June 2008 and January 2009 respectively. The Company has always been striving for excellence in serving the people of H ong Kong and its efforts are widely recognized. The Company, has thus received 450 international awards for its various television programming and programme promotions in the past.In 1997, TVB has also been awarded as one of Asia’s 50 most competitive companies; one of the top 20 companies in Hong Kong and one of the Asia’s 200 Leading Companies. In 2001, it was also awarded the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) International Broadcasting Excellence Award 2001 for its outstanding contributions to the community. Now, let me sum up our proposal. Our mission is to develop a diverse development company. In the past, we have developed magazine industry, music industry, film industry and internet industry.In the future, we plan to develop agency industry, which are combine advertisements and sales. We plan to operate online sales thought the television and earn the commission. There are several reasons that can support our proposal to be a successful one. First of a ll, we have an excellent financial situation now and we have cash balance total HK$3,604 million in 2012. If the our proposal is implemented, more sponsorship in the clothing and jewelry of the TV series or some annual TV shows. It can decrease the cost of production. nline shopping become more popular, this development of this kind of business can really help the company to generate more earning. Secondary, TVB have already a huge fixed amount of audience and we believe that more audience will be attracted by the new scheme, which means that more customers are provided. Moreover, nowadays, online shopping has become a tendency in Hong Kong since it is convenient. When you are taking the train, on your way to work; or lying on the sofa, enjoy your weekend at home, you can watch our programs though your cell phone and TV.Our artists wear the fashion items that you want, you can only touch that item on the screen to get it. The details of the item will be shown after you touching the screen. If you decide to buy, you can add the item to your shopping bag and confirm you order. You can use any of the payment types listed on the screen to pay for your order, for example VISA, PAYPAL, AMERICAN EXPRESS. Your details are safe with us as we take security very seriously indeed. U may doubt that whether the proposal is feasible. It can surely give u an answer.Yes! We plan to cooperate with SONY to make the technology of touch screen can be perfected and fixed with this proposal. SONY which is an initiate company always seeks for a breakthrough has a strong technology to support us. It can match with the technology that our plan needs. TVB has been serving the audience for 44 years. It will continue to keep its promise, delivering excellence in programming and cutting-edge broadcasting technology to the people of Hong Kong and to Chinese communities around the world. umanitarian initiative Apart from fighting for greater profits, it is our obligation to perform our human itarian initiative. After shooting dramas, we can ask our clients for their clothes for charity sale. All income from charity sale will be donated to charities. Clothes which are abandoned can donate to charities as well. Our actors and actress are also willing to donate their clothes either for the charity sale or the charities. establish a new department in response for the agency job.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Which Colleges Dont Require SAT Writing Complete List
Which Colleges Don't Require SAT Writing Complete List SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Did you know that some colleges do not require an SAT Writing score on the old SAT? It's true. As you're deciding which colleges to apply to, you should have a clear understanding of the admissions requirements for each school. If you're particularly worried about your SAT Writing score, perhaps this article can alleviate some of your stress.Which colleges do not require SAT Writing? We will provide you with a complete list, broken down by state. But first, an important note about the new version of the SAT. There Is No SAT Writing Section on the New SAT Since the new SAT was implemented in March of 2016, the SAT Writing section has become a thing of the past. On the new SAT, Reading and Writing (now known as Writing and Language) areincorporated intoone section score. The essay, which used to be part of SAT Writing, is now separate from the Writing and Language subsection. The essay is optional for test-takers, but some colleges will require students to submit essay scores from the new SAT. We will compile a list of these schools once colleges have firmly established their guidelines, but for now check with the schools you're interested in to see if they will require you to do the essay on the new SAT. This article pertains to the old version of the SAT. Students from the class of 2017 (and 2018 for some colleges) can submit their SAT scores from the old version of the test, and this article contains the list of colleges that don't require SAT Writing on the old SAT. Not All Colleges Require SAT Writing Some colleges will completely ignore your SAT Writing score when evaluating your application. For other schools, the SAT Writing score is optional and can be used as supplemental information to enhance your application. Even though we have provided you with a list of colleges that do not require SAT Writing, you can verify the admissions requirements for all the schools you're considering. Just do a simple google search or contact an admissions officer from the school. Keep in mind that admissions requirements vary between colleges. Some schools have even made the entire SAT optional. If you're wondering why so many schools have made the SAT Writing section optional, there are a couple of possible explanations. Many colleges believe they can determine your skill level and preparedness for college based on the SAT Critical Reading and Math sections alone. Also, the SAT Writing section was added to the SAT in 2005 and there is less available data about how well performance on SAT Writing predicts academic success in college. What I don't have to take the SAT How Do You Use This Information? First, make a list of all the schools you want to apply to. Second, use this list to see if any or all of your schools don't require Writing. If ALLyour schools are Writing optional, congratulations! You don't have to worry about your SAT Writing score. If you have even just one school you want to apply to that is NOT Writing optional, make sure that your Writing score is good enough to make you competitive for admission. Ideally, you want your SAT score to be at or exceed the 75th percentile scores for the colleges you're applying to. If you did poorly on SAT Writing and you're applying to any school that requires Writing, you may want to consider taking the new SAT or the ACT. Which Colleges Do Not Require SAT Writing? There is not a specific type of college which does not require SAT Writing. There are liberal arts colleges and large state institutions that have chosen to make SAT Writing optional. Furthermore, this list contains schools from every state (and Puerto Rico) and every geographic region. Without further ado, here's the list. We've separated the schools by state. To find your school, either scroll down to the state, or use Ctrl+F in your browser to search for the school of your choice. Alabama Auburn University at Montgomery Birmingham-Southern College Concordia College Alabama Faulkner University Huntingdon College Jacksonville State University Judson College Samford University Southeastern Bible College Stillman College Tuskegee University University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Mobile University of Montevallo University of North Alabama University of South Alabama University of West Alabama Alaska Alaska Pacific University University of Alaska Fairbanks Arizona Arizona Christian University Arizona State University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott Northern Arizona University Prescott College University of Arizona Arkansas Arkansas State University Arkansas Tech University Ecclesia College Harding University Henderson State University Hendrix College John Brown University Lyon College Ouachita Baptist University Philander Smith College Southern Arkansas University University of Arkansas University of Arkansas at Fort Smith University of Arkansas at Little Rock University of Central Arkansas University of the Ozarks California American Jewish University Art Center College of Design Azusa Pacific University Biola University California Baptist University California College of the Arts California Lutheran University California Maritime Academy California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University Bakersfield California State University Chico California State University Dominguez Hills California State University Fresno California State University Monterey Bay California State University Sacramento California State University San Bernardino California State University Stanislaus Concordia University Irvine Fresno Pacific University Holy Names University Hope International University Humboldt State University La Sierra University Menlo College Mills College Otis College of Art and Design Point Loma Nazarene University Saint Mary's College of California San Diego Christian College San Diego State University San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco Conservatory of Music San Francisco State University Santa Clara University Simpson University Sonoma State University Southern California Institute of Architecture University of California, Davis University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California William Jessup University Woodbury University Colorado Adams State University Colorado College Colorado Mesa University Colorado State University Colorado State University - Pueblo Fort Lewis College Metropolitan State University of Denver Regis University Rocky Mountain College of Art Design United States Air Force Academy University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Colorado Springs University of Colorado Denver University of Denver University of Northern Colorado Western State Colorado University Connecticut Connecticut College Eastern Connecticut State University Fairfield University Paier College of Art Post University Sacred Heart University University of Hartford University of New Haven University of Saint Joseph District of Columbia Gallaudet University George Washington University Georgetown University Howard University Florida Baptist College of Florida Barry University Clearwater Christian College Eckerd College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach Flagler College Florida College Florida Institute of Technology Florida Southern College Jacksonville University Johnson Wales University Johnson University Florida Nova Southeastern University Palm Beach Atlantic University Saint Leo University Southeastern University Stetson University Trinity Baptist College Trinity College of Florida University of Miami University of West Florida Georgia Albany State University Armstrong Atlantic State University Berry College Brenau University Brewton-Parker College Clark Atlanta University Clayton State University Columbus State University Covenant College Dalton State College Emmanuel College Fort Valley State University Georgia Gwinnett College Georgia Southwestern State University Kennesaw State University LaGrange College Mercer University Paine College Piedmont College Point University Reinhardt University Savannah College of Art and Design Savannah State University Spelman College University of North Georgia University of West Georgia Valdosta State University Wesleyan College Hawaii Chaminade University of Honolulu Hawaii Pacific University Idaho Boise State University Idaho State University Lewis-Clark State College New Saint Andrews College Northwest Nazarene University University of Idaho Illinois Augustana College Aurora University Blackburn College Concordia University Chicago DePaul University Dominican University Elmhurst College Eureka College Governors State University Greenville College Harrington College of Design Illinois College Illinois State University Illinois Wesleyan University Judson University Kendall College Knox College Lewis University Lincoln Christian University Loyola University Chicago MacMurray College McKendree University Millikin University Monmouth College Moody Bible Institute North Central College Northeastern Illinois University Quincy University Robert Morris University Rockford University Roosevelt University Saint Xavier University Southern Illinois University Carbondale Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Trinity Christian College University of Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Springfield University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of St. Francis VanderCook College of Music Western Illinois University Wheaton College Indiana Bethel College Calumet College of St. Joseph DePauw University Earlham College Goshen College Grace College Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne Oakland City University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Saint Mary's College St. Joseph's College Trine University University of Indianapolis University of Notre Dame Iowa Allen College Briar Cliff University Buena Vista University Central College Clarke University Coe College Cornell College Drake University Emmaus Bible College Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary Graceland University Grinnell College Iowa State University Iowa Wesleyan College Loras College Luther College Mercy College of Health Sciences Morningside College Mount Mercy University Northwestern College Simpson College St. Ambrose University University of Dubuque University of Iowa University of Northern Iowa Upper Iowa University Waldorf College Wartburg College William Penn University Kansas Baker University Barclay College Benedictine College Bethel College Emporia State University Fort Hays State University Friends University Kansas State University Kansas Wesleyan University McPherson College MidAmerica Nazarene University Newman University Ottawa University Pittsburg State University Southwestern College Tabor College University of Kansas University of St. Mary Washburn University Wichita State University Kentucky Asbury University Bellarmine University Berea College Brescia University Campbellsville University Georgetown College Kentucky Mountain Bible College Kentucky State University Kentucky Wesleyan College Lindsey Wilson College Morehead State University Murray State University Northern Kentucky University Spalding University Sullivan University Thomas More College Transylvania University Union College University of Kentucky University of Louisville University of Pikeville University of the Cumberlands Western Kentucky University Louisiana Centenary College of Louisiana Dillard University Grambling State University Louisiana College Louisiana State University Louisiana State University Shreveport Louisiana Tech University Loyola University New Orleans McNeese State University Nicholls State University Northwestern State University of Louisiana Saint Joseph Seminary College Southeastern Louisiana University University of Louisiana at Monroe University of New Orleans Maine Bates College Bowdoin College St. Joseph's College of Maine Unity College University of Maine University of Maine at Fort Kent University of Maine at Machias University of Maine at Presque Isle University of New England Maryland Frostburg State University Hood College Loyola University Maryland Maryland Institute College of Art McDaniel College Mount St. Mary's University Notre Dame of Maryland University Salisbury University St. Mary's College of Maryland Stevenson University United States Naval Academy University of Baltimore University of Maryland Baltimore County University of Maryland Eastern Shore Washington Adventist University Washington College Massachusetts Anna Maria College Assumption College Bard College at Simon's Rock Berklee College of Music Boston Conservatory Clark University College of the Holy Cross Curry College Endicott College Fitchburg State University Hampshire College Hellenic College Lasell College Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Massachusetts Maritime Academy Merrimack College Montserrat College of Art Mount Holyoke College Nichols College Regis College Salem State University Smith College University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Massachusetts Lowell Wentworth Institute of Technology Western New England University Westfield State University Wheelock College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Michigan Adrian College Albion College Alma College Calvin College Cleary University Concordia University Ann Arbor Davenport University Eastern Michigan University Ferris State University Grace Bible College Hope College Kettering University Kuyper College Lake Superior State University Lawrence Technological University Michigan Technological University Northern Michigan University Oakland University Olivet College Sacred Heart Major Seminary Saginaw Valley State University Siena Heights University Spring Arbor University University of Michigan - Dearborn University of Michigan - Flint Wayne State University Western Michigan University Minnesota Augsburg College Bemidji State University Bethel University College of Saint Benedict College of St. Scholastica Concordia College Concordia University St. Paul Crossroads College Crown College Gustavus Adolphus College Macalester College Minneapolis College of Art and Design Minnesota State University Mankato Minnesota State University Moorhead Oak Hills Christian College Rasmussen College - Lake Elmo/Woodbury Saint John's University Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Southwest Minnesota State University St. Catherine University St. Cloud State University St. Olaf College University of Minnesota, Crookston University of Northwestern St. Paul Winona State University Mississippi Alcorn State University Blue Mountain College Delta State University Millsaps College Mississippi College Mississippi State University Mississippi University for Women Mississippi Valley State University Rust College University of Mississippi University of Southern Mississippi Missouri Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks Columbia College Culver-Stockton College Drury University Fontbonne University Hannibal-LaGrange University Harris-Stowe State University Lindenwood University Maryville University of Saint Louis Missouri Baptist University Missouri Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri University of Science and Technology Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University Research College of Nursing Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast Missouri State University Southwest Baptist University St. Louis Christian College Stephens College Truman State University University of Central Missouri University of Missouri - Columbia University of Missouri - Kansas City University of Missouri - St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis Webster University William Woods University Montana Montana State University - Billings Rocky Mountain College University of Great Falls Nebraska College of Saint Mary Concordia University Nebraska Creighton University Nebraska Christian College Nebraska Methodist College Nebraska Wesleyan University Peru State College University of Nebraska - Kearney University of Nebraska - Lincoln Wayne State College York College Nevada Sierra Nevada College University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno New Hampshire Daniel Webster College New England College Saint Anselm College University of New Hampshire at Manchester New Jersey Bloomfield College Centenary College College of St. Elizabeth Drew University Fairleigh Dickinson University - College at Florham Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus Georgian Court University Kean University Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Rowan University Seton Hall University Stevens Institute of Technology The College of New Jersey William Paterson University New Mexico Eastern New Mexico University New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico State University St. John's College University of New Mexico University of the Southwest New York Alfred State College Alfred University Bard College Baruch College (City University of New York) Canisius College Clarkson University Colgate University College at Brockport College of St. Rose College of Staten Island (City University of New York) Columbia University, School of General Studies Culinary Institute of America Daemen College D'Youville College Elmira College Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts Farmingdale State College Fashion Institute of Technology Fordham University Hamilton College Hartwick College Hilbert College Houghton College Iona College Ithaca College Keuka College Le Moyne College LIU Brooklyn LIU Post Manhattan School of Music Manhattanville College Mannes College The New School for Music Marist College Marymount Manhattan College Nazareth College New York Institute of Technology New York School of Interior Design Niagara University Nyack College Pace University Parsons The New School for Design Purchase College Queens College (City University of New York) Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College School of Visual Arts St. Bonaventure University St. John Fisher College St. John's University St. Joseph's College - Brooklyn Campus St. Lawrence University St. Thomas Aquinas College State University of New York at Fredonia State University of New York at New Paltz State University of New York at Oswego State University of New York College at Geneseo State University of New York College at Oneonta State University of New York College at Potsdam State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry State University of New York Institute of Technology State University of New York Plattsburgh The King's College Union College United States Merchant Marine Academy University of Rochester Utica College Wagner College Wells College Yeshiva University North Carolina Barton College Belmont Abbey College Bennett College Brevard College Cabarrus College of Health Sciences Chowan University Davidson College Elizabeth City State University Gardner-Webb University Guilford College High Point University Johnson C. Smith University Lees-McRae College Mars Hill University Methodist University Mid-Atlantic Christian University Montreat College Mount Olive College Piedmont International University Shaw University St. Andrews University St. Augustine's University Warren Wilson College William Peace University North Dakota Jamestown College Mayville State University Minot State University North Dakota State University University of Mary University of North Dakota Valley City State University Ohio Ashland University Baldwin Wallace University Bluffton University Bowling Green State University Capital University Cedarville University Central State University Cincinnati Christian University Cleveland Institute of Art Cleveland State University Columbus College of Art and Design Defiance College Denison University Franciscan University of Steubenville Heidelberg University Hiram College Kent State University Kenyon College Lake Erie College Lourdes University Malone University Marietta College Miami University Mount Carmel College of Nursing Mount Vernon Nazarene University Ohio Mid-Western College Ohio Northern University Ohio University Zanesville Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein University Shawnee State University Tiffin University University of Dayton University of Findlay University of Rio Grande Ursuline College Walsh University Wilmington College Wittenberg University Wright State University Xavier University Oklahoma Cameron University East Central University Langston University Northeastern State University Northwestern Oklahoma State University Oklahoma Baptist University Oklahoma Christian University Oklahoma City University Oklahoma State University Oklahoma Wesleyan University Oral Roberts University Rogers State University Southeastern Oklahoma State University Southern Nazarene University Southwestern Christian University Southwestern Oklahoma State University St. Gregory's University University of Central Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma University of Tulsa Oregon Concordia University Portland Eastern Oregon University George Fox University Lewis Clark College Linfield College Multnomah University Oregon College of Art Craft Pacific University Reed College University of Portland Warner Pacific College Pennsylvania Albright College Alvernia University Baptist Bible College and Seminary Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr College Cabrini College Cairn University Carlow University Chatham University Chestnut Hill College Clarion University of Pennsylvania Delaware Valley College Dickinson College Drexel University Duquesne University East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Eastern University Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Franklin Marshall College Gannon University Geneva College Gettysburg College Grove City College Holy Family University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Juniata College Keystone College Kutztown University of Pennsylvania La Roche College La Salle University Lebanon Valley College Lincoln University Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Lycoming College Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Marywood University Mercyhurst University Messiah College Misericordia University Moravian College Mount Aloysius College Neumann University Penn State Hazleton Pennsylvania College of Technology Philadelphia University Point Park University Saint Joseph's University Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook Susquehanna University Thiel College University of Pittsburgh at Bradford University of Scranton University of the Arts Ursinus College Valley Forge Christian College Washington Jefferson College Wilson College Puerto Rico Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Universidad Adventista de las Antillas University of Puerto Rico at Humacao Rhode Island Bryant University Johnson Wales University Roger Williams University University of Rhode Island South Carolina Bob Jones University Claflin University Coastal Carolina University Coker College College of Charleston Columbia International University Converse College Erskine College Lander University Limestone College Newberry College North Greenville University Presbyterian College Southern Wesleyan University University of South Carolina Upstate Winthrop University South Dakota Augustana College Black Hills State University Dakota State University Mount Marty College Northern State University Presentation College South Dakota School of Mines and Technology South Dakota State University University of Sioux Falls University of South Dakota Tennessee American Baptist College Aquinas College Austin Peay State University Belmont University Christian Brothers University Cumberland University East Tennessee State University Fisk University Freed-Hardeman University Johnson University King College Lane College Lee University Lincoln Memorial University Maryville College Memphis College of Art Middle Tennessee State University Milligan College O'More College of Design Rhodes College Sewanee: University of the South Southern Adventist University Tennessee Wesleyan College Trevecca Nazarene University Tusculum College University of Memphis University of Tennessee University of Tennessee at Chattanooga University of Tennessee at Martin Watkins College of Art, Design and Film Texas Angelo State University Baptist University of the Americas Concordia University Texas East Texas Baptist University Fisher More College Howard Payne University Huston-Tillotson University Jarvis Christian College LeTourneau University Lubbock Christian University Northwood University Our Lady of the Lake University Prairie View AM University Sam Houston State University Southern Methodist University Southwestern Adventist University Southwestern University Texas AM International University Texas AM University - Commerce Texas AM University - Corpus Christi Texas AM University - Kingsville Texas Christian University Texas Lutheran University Texas Wesleyan University Texas Woman's University University of Houston University of Houston - Downtown University of Texas - Pan American University of Texas at Brownsville University of Texas at El Paso University of Texas of the Permian Basin University of the Incarnate Word Wayland Baptist University West Texas AM University Utah Neumont University Southern Utah University University of Utah Utah State University Utah Valley University Weber State University Vermont Bennington College Champlain College College of St. Joseph Green Mountain College Marlboro College Middlebury College Southern Vermont College Virginia Averett University Bluefield College Bridgewater College Christendom College Christopher Newport University College of William and Mary Eastern Mennonite University Emory Henry College Ferrum College George Mason University Hampden-Sydney College Hollins University James Madison University Liberty University Longwood University Lynchburg College Mary Baldwin College Marymount University Old Dominion University Patrick Henry College Randolph College Regent University Roanoke College Shenandoah University Sweet Briar College University of Mary Washington University of Richmond Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Military Institute Virginia Union University Virginia Wesleyan College Washington Central Washington University Cornish College of the Arts Eastern Washington University Evergreen State College Gonzaga University Northwest University Pacific Lutheran University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Walla Walla University Washington State University Western Washington University Whitworth University West Virginia Alderson-Broaddus College Appalachian Bible College Bethany College Bluefield State College Concord University Glenville State College Marshall University Ohio Valley University Shepherd University University of Charleston West Virginia State University West Virginia University West Virginia University Institute of Technology West Virginia Wesleyan College Wheeling Jesuit University Wisconsin Alverno College Beloit College Concordia University Wisconsin Edgewood College Lawrence University Maranatha Baptist Bible College Milwaukee School of Engineering Mount Mary University Northland College Ripon College University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire University of Wisconsin - Green Bay University of Wisconsin - La Crosse University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh University of Wisconsin - Parkside University of Wisconsin - Platteville University of Wisconsin - River Falls University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point University of Wisconsin - Stout University of Wisconsin - Superior University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Viterbo University Wisconsin Lutheran College Wyoming University of Wyoming What's Next? If you're not satisfied with your score on the old SAT, read this guide to help determine if the new SAT or ACT will be better for you. Are you wondering what's a good SAT score on the old SAT? A bad score? An excellent score? We thoroughly break that down for you here. Also, you can find out what's a good score on the new SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice SAT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
3 Problematic Parallel Lists
3 Problematic Parallel Lists 3 Problematic Parallel Lists 3 Problematic Parallel Lists By Mark Nichol When listing within a sentence, take care in sentence construction to employ conjunctions and punctuation correctly to achieve proper parallel sentence structure, as discussed in the discussion and revision of each of the following flawed sentences. 1. Smith worked as a chess coach, tutor, and led overnight camping trips. This sentence lacks a verb corresponding with tutor, just as worked is associated with â€Å"as a chess coach†and led pertains to â€Å"overnight camping trips,†as in â€Å"Smith worked as a chess coach, acted as a tutor, and led overnight camping trips.†It appears, however, that the writer intends worked to apply to tutor and â€Å"chess coach†in parallel, with both supported by â€Å"as a,†but the punctuation does not allow this construction. For the statement to be syntactically valid, tutor must be preceded by a conjunction and its own article: â€Å"Smith worked as a chess coach and a tutor and led overnight camping trips.†(If the second a is omitted, the implication is that Smith was a chess coach and a chess tutor; the sentence works this way only if tutor and â€Å"chess coach†are transposed so that tutor is not mistakenly linked to chess.) 2. Regulatory technology aims to make regulatory compliance more integrated, streamlined, and less costly. The first and third adjectives in the list are provided comparative modifiers, and the implication is that streamlined shares more with integrated, but the comma prevents that association. In order for integrated and streamlined to share more, they must be treated as a phrase separated by and and both commas must be omitted: â€Å"Regulatory technology aims to make regulatory compliance more integrated and streamlined and less costly.†Alternatively, integrated can be assigned its own instance of more: â€Å"Regulatory technology aims to make regulatory compliance more integrated, more streamlined, and less costly.†3. Firms need to ensure that workflow, queue management, control reporting, exception management, efficient and streamlined processes are in place. â€Å"Efficient and streamlined processes†is intended to be understood as a factor equivalent to the other four listed beforehand, but the writer has mistaken and for the conjunction that necessarily precedes the final item in the list. Because it is within the final item, another conjunction is required: â€Å"Firms need to ensure that workflow, queue management, control reporting, exception management, and efficient and streamlined processes are in place.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?50 Latin Phrases You Should KnowPreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sexual Harrasment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sexual Harrasment - Essay Example Furthermore, legal authorities stipulate some issues that an organization must encompass in its training programs such as training on sexual harassment, ethics and safety, among others. In this paper, the issue of sexual harassment will be addressed, taking into account its importance to the success of a business. Some of the most important issues that should appear in the training programs and organizations’ policy are a commitment to prevent and eradicate the sexual harassment in the organization. It is imperative that training program address both hostile environment sexual harassment and quid pro quo sexual harassment. An explicit definition of sexual harassment should be provided in order to ensure that all employees understand the dos and don’ts Quid pro quo sexual harassment entails implied or expressed sexual advances and demands in exchange for varying benefits such as pay increase and promotion, or to evade some detriment, which may include demotion and termination, among others. On the other hand, hostile environment sexual harassment constitutes sexual comments or advances by a supervisor or co-worker, which creates a humiliating, hostile, threatening, offensive and intimidating work environment, or results in a situation that can adversely affect a worker’s p sychological wellbeing. Organizations should always strive to eradicate or prevent sexual harassment from happening. It is important that training programs incorporate fundamental ways of eliminating any incidents of sexual harassment in work places. This may involve educating workers on their rights, and ways of reporting preventing as well as reporting harassment. Managers and employees should receive training on ways of identifying and stopping sexual harassment, harassment prevention law, and their personal liability under the law. Furthermore, all employees
Friday, November 1, 2019
Differences between Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery Essay
Differences between Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery - Essay Example As the study stresses that perhaps one that is predominantly practiced all over the world is cosmetic surgery; this type of plastic surgery mainly aims to alter the physical appearance of a person. Many people have always been concerned with their looks and appearance more than their internal qualities and this is motivation enough for them to desire enhancement of their looks. This is what has led to the pervasiveness of the plastic surgery trend worldwide thus instigating serious concerns over the justification of plastic surgery; in other words, is it or is it not right to carry out plastic surgery? This question has been debatable in the world probably more than anything else concerning moral issues has, and many people have had their own varied contributions to this debate. Thus, he does agree with the school of thought that supports plastic surgery, at least to make something wrong go right for once; there are exceedingly many reasons why people carry out plastic surgery and I believe they are all justifiable. This paper aims to disambiguate the social dilemma that is plastic surgery, and it will attempt to justify the reasons why plastic surgery is carried out, and gunner support for this controversial trend. From this discussion it is clear that to begin with, even though the name plastic surgery suggests a close tie with synthetic material, plastic surgery has nothing to do with ‘plastic looks’ as is often concluded by moralists. In fact, the name originates from a Greek word ‘plastikos’, which means ‘to form’ or ‘to mold’. In this regard, plastic surgery remains a crucial type of surgery that serves many justifiable reasons, both medical and aesthetical. Doctors perform reconstructive procedures to reinstate distortions both on the face and on the body of patients that might have been because of either natural or physical causes. For instance, natural deformities are manifest on individuals from birth, and they include physical distortions of organs as in cleft lips and palates while other deformities might arise from physical injuries such as burns, animal bites and accidents. Some diseases such as cancer might also necessitate plastic surgery in the end after the loss of the affected body organ; this is especially common with breast cancer where most patients opt to undergo reconstructive surgeries to rebuild the lost breasts. On the other hand, cosmetic surgery is concerned with the enhancement of physical appearances. Due to its cosmetic purposes, this type of plastic surgery is often also referred to as aesthetic surgery; however, cosmetic procedures do not necessarily call for surgery in the medical fashion. Quite notably, most cosmetic surgeries involve enlargement and reduction of body organs such as breasts; the reshaping of body organs such as the nose; or removing of fatty tissues from body parts that are overly bulky with fats. In view of these two broad reasons for plastic surgery presented above, it is vital to regard plastic surgery in a different light, and move away from the negative traditional perceptions that society has held against plastic surgery.
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